Easy-Fit Pillow / Easy-Fit Pillow Case
Can stabilize your body and keep the pillow at the original position when you recline the bed.
- Description
- Easy-fit pillow is the best pillow for the reclining bed users, who are not able to move their body by themselves.
Easy-fit pillow case is the best pillow case for the reclining bed users, who are not able to adjust the pillow position by themselves.
- Target
- For people who have difficulty in moving their bodies or can’t adjust the pillow position by themselves on the bed.
- Features
- Easy-fit pillow
●When using the reclining function on the bed, easy-fit pillow supports the head to stabilize the body position because both sides are little bit higher than center part.
●If you are a back sleeper, easy-fit pillow supports the neck securely.
●If you are a side sleeper, easy-fit pillow makes your shoulder comfortable.
Easy-fit pillow case
●Even though when using reclining function, easy-fit pillow case keeps the pillow at the original position preventing slipping down.
●Easy care (no need of ironing)
- Technical specifications
- Easy-fit pillow
Dimension: 50x70cm
Weight: 470g
Materials: fabric cotton 100%
filling polyester 100%
Color: white
Easy-fit pillow case
Dimension: 50x70cm
Materials: cotton 60% polyester 40%
Color: white